2021-02-02 22-33-31 (B,Radius4,Smoothing8)PhShop

2021-02-02 22-33-31 (B,Radius4,Smoothing8)PhShop

Close-up of a flower. Not sure if it meets strict definition of a Macro, but it should be close. Camera: Canon 6D; Lens: Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di Macro; Camera settings: F/4, 1/160sec, ISO 800. The camera was mounted on a Cognisys StackShot rail. Helicon Remote s/w was used to automate the control of the rail. Helicon Focus was used to process the resultant stacked images. Did some touch up with PhotoShop. There were 169 shots taken, most or all of which were processed. The shots were taken 06/14/2019. I reprocessed them on 02/02/2021 and 03/12/2021 which is what you see now.

Posted by DPIascone on 2021-03-13 03:10:35

Tagged: , #withmytamron , #Helicon , #Cognisys






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