– Foreclosure University

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Your Online Real Estate Investing Resource

From: Jarad Severe, Foreclosure University

RE: Are you missing the opportunity of a lifetime?

Most people get into real estate investing expecting to make a lot of money. And it’s true.
Many individuals just like you have become extremely wealthy investing in real estate. They were in the right place at the right time.

They became very wealthy as real estate investors also because they knew what to do — and even more importantly, they knew what to avoid doing.

What could you do if you had the same knowledge as those successful, wealthy real estate investors without having to go through all of the hassles, headaches, or years of learning and frustration they had to work through to finally succeed?

I don’t want to scare you here, but there is a harsh reality that few people selling real estate investing programs want to talk about.

I feel you should know about these things because I’ve been where you are right now, looking for a financial solution, trying to find a way to beat the rat race and get out of a job I hated (that wasn’t paying the bills anyway) and because once you know – you’ll be so much more prepared.

You understand that I want you to be successful as a real estate investor. When you are successful as a result of what I share with you, you’ll tell others about it and we both win.

Yes, real estate investing can make you very wealthy and right now there is so much opportunity, if you know what you are doing, that anyone looking at getting started in real estate investing and doesn’t, will be kicking themselves in the back-side in a few years.

“This window of wealth-shifting opportunity hasn’t been available for over a decade and there is no telling how long –
or short – the window will stay open.”

You definitely don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to create something more for you and your family. All I can say is the time is now if you are interested in uncovering huge cash windfalls as a real estate investor.

You deserve to be told the truth and I appreciate you letting me share some of your time.

No doubt, you appreciate what I’m sharing with you today also, because you are probably, at least a little, like me… you’re looking for people you can trust and who are sincere about helping you succeed. I am one of those people.

Here’s what a couple of my customers and students recently said about the information you’re getting here today…

Real estate investing can seem overwhelming and intimidating, after all, for the fortunes that can be made doing it the right way – if it was as simple as falling off a bike, everyone would be doing it, right?

That does bring up a question though…

Learning how to invest in real estate doesn’t have to be expensive either.

Don’t get me wrong, you should invest in your education, in fact, I still do and so do all successful investors. We keep up with changes in the laws, new strategies and tactics and are always improving our knowledge… that’s one of the keys to why we are successful.

Truth is, just like anything in life, once you do a few profitable real estate transactions, once you get familiar with how it all works, it get’s a lot easier, you no longer have that fear or feeling of intimidation from every transaction.

Actually, you enjoy waking up every day knowing that you are helping
people and making significant amounts of cash in the process. Investing in real estate successfully is a very rewarding feeling and a wonderful lifestyle.

In truth, it’s the learning curve that can take some patience and time. But, even that can be made much shorter if you have the right information, the right help.

If I had this system for creating massive cash flow investing in foreclosures — and an opportunity we have right now as foreclosure investors because of the economy (while it lasts, that is)… when I got started investing, I’d have made a lot more money along the way… and fewer mistakes in the beginning as well.

“Getting involved in real estate investing now is a decision you definitely don’t want to wait too long to make or you might miss what many experienced investors are calling “the greatest investing opportunity in our lifetime.”

This window of opportunity, the current recession and economic challenges in the U.S. right now, is creating one of the most unprecedented shifts in wealth in history.

There are going to be some very big winners, those people like you and me who are taking action now…

… and some very big losers, those individuals who are standing on the side-lines waiting, and waiting, and waiting… who will soon find themselves left out and sadly depressed because it’s too late – the door has closed and this massive wealth shifting opportunity is gone, probably for good – at least, during our lifetime anyway.

Instead, I decided back then to create something better for my family and investing in real estate has been very, very good to us ever since. Sure, there were some frustrating times, but most of those came from not having the right guidance, training or support.

My bachelors degree and veterinarian career path were good, solid, directions – still, today, looking at where my friends, who I went to school with almost a decade ago, are financially… I can tell you for certain that my choice to go into real estate investing was the best, most intelligent decision I could have made.

Are you going to sit on the side-lines and watch others take advantage of this once in OUR lifetime investing opportunity? You’re not, I believe that, because you wouldn’t be reading this if you were not serious about having a better life and future.

You are going to look back in a few years a much wealthier person and smile because you made the choice to move your life forward… because you chose something better for you and your

Invest in your future now…

I realize the hesitation you might have and that you could be worried that real estate investing is big numbers and big risk – and you would be correct if you’re thinking these things.

That means you are looking at this the right way, the responsible way, the same way all champions look at opportunity.

You weigh the risks, get the facts, calculate the ROI (return on investment) and then, make a decision to get happily involved. Not before.

Let me just say that investing in real estate is only a risk if you do it the wrong way or if you try to figure it out as you go, by yourself. That’s why I started this letter with the headline the way I did – because greed and ignorance can cause people to not think and create problems.

By spending a little time now and getting the proper guidance, you can cut the learning curve down to no more than a few days, weeks or months and reduce or eliminate any potential risk. I’ve got students and clients who have closed their first transactions in the first two weeks after getting started.

And, as for the big numbers – yes, it’s true – real estate is about big numbers.

Imagine only doing four, five or six transactions a year and creating an income greater than college educated doctors and dentists who’ve spent years and years learning and studying to earn a small percentage of what you can create for yourself and your family in only a few months?

Well, you’re here taking the time to carefully read this and thinking about what I’m sharing with you today.

Truth is, the fact that you are reading this says that you are already the kind of person who will likely succeed in real estate… not just do a small investment here and there, but really create something significant.

Because over the past few years I’ve seen so many people who stop by here and who don’t even take the time to carefully review and consider this like you are.

They rush right down to the price without even knowing the value of what they are getting or the care that has been taken to make sure that they understand and can use the materials to create a better life for themselves.

They purchase without even really knowing what they are getting or the value of what I’m offering you here today.

“I created this program to help you enjoy a better life for yourself and your family, which you can only do if
you take action and go through the materials, just like you are doing right now.”

You are the kind of person who this program was created for because you are reading this right now, carefully going through every word.

Let’s face it, price is important, but just like investing in real estate, the details can make you millions… and not paying attention to the details can cost you thousands.

Always read the details, always do your due diligence. It’s what I teach you and I’m glad to see you are already that kind of person.

You might be saying to youself “What did he just say?”

Yes, you read it right – I don’t think real estate investing or my course are for everyone.

For instance, I’m not interested in working with people who think there is a magic button they can push and “POOF!” the wealth-fairy just pops out and hands them the keys to the mansion.

Can you become very wealthy very quickly using my course and investing in foreclosures?

Absolutely, and many of my customers and students have exceeded my own income in a much shorter time than it took for me to create my own success, without the kind of help and support you’re getting from this incredible program.

Those folks are exceptional. What I’ve seen over the years is that folks who use the information, succeed… those who let it collect dust on a bookshelf – don’t.

So, it’s true… if someone comes to me and says they aren’t really a doer, this program is not for them.

On the other hand, this program (and real estate investing) is one of the
absolute best opportunities to get involved with if you are a motivated person who wants to have a better life and who is willing to apply simple, easy to implement strategies, in order to reach your goals.

You are driven and intelligent enough to look at the details.

You are the the kind of person who will do very well with my program — or anyone else’s for that matter — because you are obviously serious about learning how to invest in real estate and doing it the right way.

If you weren’t, I don’t think you would have read this far.

You already see what I’m sharing here and understand the freedom successfully investing in real estate the right way can bring to you and your family.

OK. You might be asking what this is all about? What can I do for you?

So, let’s talk about how I can help you reach your goals and get the life you’ve always dreamed of… a life like mine where you have the freedom to do pretty much what you want and the finances to live the kind of lifestyle that goes with having more money than you need and the time and freedom to enjoy that wealth.

The easy to follow, step-by-step system for beginning AND intermediate level investors that gives you the inside track on how to CORRECTLY invest in foreclosures, reduce your risk and make even more profits for
yourself on each transaction…

Inside are the most up-to-date materials… positioning you to create massive wealth in this economy – so you don’t miss the very short window of
opportunity we have right now.

This is your once in a lifetime chance to create real wealth in foreclosure
investing, unlike any other in our lifetime.

This is our most up-to-date guide and road map and it gives you everything you need to get started investing in foreclosure properties beginning in just a few minutes if you are ready and willing.

But don’t take my word for it… here is what you’ll receive today:

It should be, its taken over seven years and several versions to bring all of this to you.

Building Wealth with Foreclosures represents the best information, collected from my live classes and seminars, webinars, coaching programs and countless pages of new and revised – updated and improved – content, all put together in one resource for you.

You get all of that, plus more, inside of your Building Wealth with Foreclosures home study course.

Trust me, I know how it feels to buy those expensive coaching programs with high hopes and expecations. I’ve purchased many of them myself over the years.

Some were great, some – not so much.

Bottom line is… as I said before, I sincerely want to make a difference in your life… I want to help you succeed… you’re not here to pay me thousands of dollars, you are here to get something that will help you get started making money as a real estate investor that you can trust and that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

You’re getting my complete program — not just part of what you need, everything you want to get you started.

I’ve read enough junk to last me a lifetime, you don’t want to have to go through the same thing. With Building Wealth with Foreclosures, you get everything you need, and more, to succeed as a foreclosure investor.

This is a complete step-by-step foreclosure training system with proven insider techniques, tactics and strategies that the most successful real estate investors use to create wealth.

That is, if you can even find this same, proven and tested, quality information.

I know what’s available and I can assure you, most of what you can find anywhere else is just generic, regurgitated, rehashed old-school information that’s been repackaged.

Inside Building Wealth with Foreclosures you’ll get the most up to date materials and information – all proven and tested by real investors every day… in today’s economy, NO theories or “should be good enough” information.

Building Wealth with Foreclosures is proven, used in the trenches every day, cutting edge material.

How much would this information cost if you had to put it all together yourself, one piece at a time?

Just the agreements alone, put together by your attorney, can cost you thousands
of dollars!

In fact, in live events students have invested more than twice that to learn the information inside of the Building Wealth with Foreclosures home study course.

everyone could
use a break, agreed?

This is true for potential homeowners in foreclosure, but it’s also true for you and me as well.

A bad economy effects all of us… when prices go up, we all have to pay those higher prices. Higher taxes are not targeted at just your neighbor, they affect you, me and everyone else also, right?

I understand this too and it makes me spitting mad that our own government has allowed things to get to this point. People are looking for help… not more promises or huge corporate bank bailouts… for absolutely certain.

But make no mistake about it… fortunes are being made by people just like you and me, investing in foreclosures and REO properties.

There are so many people in foreclosure right now that there is simply no way to help everyone, even if every single person who lands on this page invests in Building Wealth with Foreclosures and closes a dozen properties each month – we couldn’t help everyone, there would still be thousands and thousands of investment properties left behind and homeowners who lose their properties.

What’s that got to do with your investment in Building Wealth with Foreclosures?

I’ve been around for a while.

But, because I want to help you and others like you quickly get your real estate investing business set up and making money for you and your family in this challenging economic time, I am doing something different and very special for you today.

I certainly don’t have to lower the price, I just want to help.

When you start making money in your real estate investing using the Building Wealth with Foreclosures materials to guide you, you’ll talk to homeowners and good people who’ve been effected by this terrible economy and you will understand why I’m doing my part to make a difference and help.

I have a family too… when I told my wife that I was going to change our offer for this material, she was concerned at first, she knows how much time I’ve put into creating this program over the years… but if you knew what a great person my wife is you’d understand why she agreed that it was a good idea to help… for now.

How long I’ll offer the program for this low investment, I don’t know.

I’d like to say until the economy turns around, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon, which is exactly why you need to start building your foreclosure investing business now.

There are so many people who need of your help as a foreclosure investor because of this economy… get this material today, start using it, help others the same way I’m helping you, and make a fortune while you are at it.

I don’t want people thinking this is a “cheap” course… it’s taken me years to put this program together and it’s worth much more than even our regular price, it’s just that right now my wife and I want to help you and as many other folks as we can, start creating a lifestyle like we have today, by learning how to successfully invest in real estate foreclosures.

All of the risk is on me.

Here’s what else I’ll do for you…

Inside of the Building Wealth with Foreclosures you already have everything you need to become a successful, highly paid real estate investor — it’s all in there.

There is so much value in this complete package for such a low investment… with my full money back guarantee included… that, unless you are not really interested in making a better life for yourself and your family as a real estate investor, there isn’t any reason to put it off any longer.

Still, to top it all off I’ve created the following bonuses for you that make this offer a brain-dead simple choice to get started today.

Imagine how much more incredible it would be if you also received additional templates, check-lists, sample letters, resources, leads, and how about mp3 recordings to listen to that help you learn so much faster and give you a way to take your education with you?

You see, because of all the requests I’ve received over the years for these materials, that’s exactly what I’ve done – I’ve created the ultimate bonuses to help you succeed so you have no more reasons not to get started in real estate investing right now, today.

I know that you see how comprehensive this program is and how much you get when you invest in Building Wealth with Foreclosures.

Everything you need to get started and grow you foreclosure investing business is included and you’ll have it in just minutes, just select the ‘Add to Cart’ button below to get started on your first module in less than ten minutes.

Of course, I can’t guarantee that you’ll make any money at all with my course or anyone elses for that matter, because I don’t know you. I don’t know how much time you’ll put into learning and using the materials or how dedicated to improving your current circumstances you really are.

I know you can do this and that Building Wealth with Foreclosures is a fantastic way to hit the ground running and get your real estate investing business up and profiting quickly. The truth is though, that not everyone who purchases my program will actually use it, which is very sad to me.

If you are the kind of person who is sincere about having a better life and creating a financially rewarding, fun, secure, flexible lifestyle for yourself and your family, you want Building Wealth with Foreclosures.

Plus, I’ve given you such an incredible guarantee, that even if you want to take your time and go slowly at first, investing in the course today is the best choice you can make for yourself and your future… with no risk.

So, there is no risk and everything you want is included…

Plus, take advantage of this opportunity today and you are getting this incredible program for less than half of the normal course investment because my wife and I want to help you get your business started and we know how tight times are right now – but not for long – not for you, once you see for yourself the profits you’ll attract investing in foreclosure real estate.

Create a better future for yourself and your family…

Select the “Add to Cart” button below right now and get your own personal copy of this complete course at no risk to you with my full 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

This opportunity will not last… I’m not sure how long I can keep the price at this “Recession Assistance Program” rate, but if you go ahead and lock in your copy of this amazing course right now, when I raise the price to it’s normal rate soon you won’t be affected.

Order now… the window of opportunity for one of the greatest chances to create a better future for yourself as a foreclosure investor will not stay open forever and you want to be part of those who recognize and take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity now.

Don’t miss it, Order Now – Click the Button Below.

I’m here if you need any help or assistance.

For now, get started… order your personal copy of this powerful and profitable course now. In less than ten minutes, you’ll be on your way to wealth in real estate and a lifestyle of entreprenurial freedom.

Jarad Severe

P.S. I can share with you how wonderful investing in foreclosures is until I’m blue in the face, but you have to be the one to take action. I can’t force you to change your life, that’s up to you. All I can do is give you the knowledge and tools you need to get started and become successful.

Your at a crossroads, a very critical point in history like none we’ve ever seen before and right now is the time to act, to take advantage of the chance you have to make a difference (and a fortune!) before it’s too late, you miss the chance forever and the window closes.

Get your copy of Building Wealth with Foreclosures home study course now… my 100% satisfaction guarantee is good for a whole year – trusts me, if my program weren’t amazing, I could not offer that guarantee. But, it is that great, so I can and I do back my course 100% – all of the risk is on my shoulders.

To me, the choice is simple… Go on, get started today… Select the “Add to Cart” button above and get your course in just a few minutes.

P.P.S. Remember, You have NOTHING TO LOSE with my 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You’ll have immediate access to this information when you ORDER NOW. Your credit card statement will display a charge from “CLICKBANK”

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